The hills have eyes
A piece of iconic architecture of the American South West has been displaced from its original context and imposed on the Moroccan landscape. These are the long abandoned remains of a Hollywood film set. In this film, footage of the film set is shown juxtaposed with the stage directions of the original film script of ‘The Hills Have Eyes’ as inter-titles. In the artificial construct of the abandoned set, the script writer’s original vision is unintentionally repeated each day in an unending loop, though the film crew are long gone. An old man lives in the set and still sits on the porch of the old gas station, plastic rifle in hand, in a strange echo of the script writers directions. Here, the act of creating fiction has inadvertently created a new reality. The film attempts to reveal the disrupting power of fiction in the Moroccan landscape, bearing witness to the way in which reality now mirrors the fiction of the film.
The Hills Have Eyes (2010)02:52 min Excerpt), single-channel HD video, 11.03 minutes, continuous loop.