Museum of Doubts
2014, Led lighting system, speakers, scaffolding, wood plinth, film prop. 25:00 min continuous loop.
‘Museum of Doubts’ is an installation work that consists of a single polystyrene film prop displayed on a plinth and animated through lighting and sound, creating an immersive environment within the gallery. Running for a total of 20 minutes as a continuous loop, the work unfolds the history of a film prop, starting with its origins as an original artefact in a tomb in Egypt and its discovery and display within a museum, carrying through to its casting and transformation into an expanded polystyrene film prop appearing in 1950’s historical epic cinema, and ending with its relegation to the contemporary archive of a London prop house.
The work was originally commissioned by the Royal College of Art Curating Contemporary Art program for the exhibition …all silent but for the buzzing… 2014. Lighting by Brendan Albrey and Sound by John Hough.